Frequently asked questions

+ How much does a photoshoot cost?

Your Luxury Boudoir Experience starts at $400. Hair and make up is included and this covers your session fee. It is also your retainer for securing your photoshoot date. For information on photo packages, albums, wall art, and more, please feel free to fill out a contact form or send an email.

+ This sounds expensive. Is there a payment plan option?

Absolutely! I want to make sure that people can afford it even if they don't have a stacks of money laying around. You can actually book a photoshoot up to 12 months in advance, so if you'd like, you can make monthly payments. Most people choose this option and are completely paid off before their shoot date, so that on the big day, they can just walk in without having to worry about money at all.

+ I’m nervous about trying boudoir. How do I get past that?

I completely understand. If you’ve never done anything like this before it can be insanely nerve racking, but don’t worry! I guide you through the entire process step by step. While preparing for your shoot, I keep an open line of communication. The trust that needs to be built for a successful boudoir shoot starts way before I pick up a camera. We’ll do a consultation beforehand where I’ll answer every question and concern you might have about the shoot. We will discuss ideas you might have, wardrobe choices, your favorite angles and everything else you can think of. If you ever have questions, you are always welcome to shoot me an email, message on IG, or we can schedule a phone call or video chat. It can be intimidating from the outside looking in, but its a very relaxed environment. My biggest priority for your shoot is that you feel confident and comfortable.

+ I’m not a model and have no posing experience

That’s totally fine! Most of my clients walk through the door with zero posing experience. If they can do it, you can do it! I will be giving you clear, easy to follow instructions and even personally demonstrating the poses (you are allowed to laugh) so that you can easily flow through them. It’s my job to make sure you look awesome during your photoshoot. You just show up ready for a great shoot and I’ll handle the rest.

+ Are you going to post my photos?

No photos of you will be posted without your express signed permission for me to do so. We understand how important your privacy is and would never want that to be a concern you have during your shoot. Shortly after your reveal, you’ll receive a release document. There you can choose exactly how your photos can be shared. All photos are posted anonymously by default unless you would like to be tagged in them. If there are any you’d like to keep private, you can specify those. There is no pressure for you to share any of them, but we definitely encourage it! When you share your experience, it allows other women to see your amazing shoot and might help them gain the confidence to book their own!

+ I'm not sure if I'm comfortable shooting fully nude. What are my options?

As I said before, the most important thing for me is that you feel confident and comfortable during your shoot. We would never require you to shoot anything you don't want to. Your shoot is geared towards YOUR comfort level. Maybe halfway into the shoot you start feeling more confident and decide you want to try something you didn’t plan for. That’s totally ok! Maybe you want to be covered, but use some camera angles to ‘imply’ that you’re nude for a bit of spice. Awesome! We can do that. Or perhaps you want to try a nude shot but only if you’re covered in a sheet? Let's make it happen! Some women use a boudoir shoot to push their limits, but ultimately your comfort level is what matters most.

+ Can I bring a friend? Boyfriend/Husband?

Of course you can bring a friend for moral support! Your friend will not be able to participate in the shoot, however if she wants to get her own shoot, both of your shoots will be discounted! Partners/Guy-friends/Husbands are not allowed in the shooting space. This is a firm policy.

+ Can I make suggestions or give ideas?

YES! This is YOUR shoot! If you have ideas, concepts, or props you'd like to bring up, definitely let me know! If there are poses you want to try, or any other ideas, you're always welcome to shoot me a message about them. If I can make your vision a reality that makes the shoot that much more amazing!